Come Shop
Maxwell's House of Books has been a fixture in the La Mesa Village since 2003.
A general bookstore, with everything from mysteries and science to poetry, philosophy and physics. Located in the main business district of La Mesa known as the downtown village, we are proud to be a brick and mortar bookstore in San Diego where book lovers like you can get lost in the written word.
Maxwell's is steeped in a long history of book lovers. Craig Maxwell, owner and proprietor, opened his popular bookstore in San Diego after growing up with Vernon Wahrenbrock, his grandfather, who founded Wahrenbrock’s Book House in 1935. For many years, Vernon’s downtown location was the largest bookstore in San Diego. It is still recognized as an authentic city landmark.
Whether you’re looking to get lost in the thrill of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, read up on Egyptian history, political science, or sink your teeth into the Catcher in the Rye, we have a large selection of used books that educate, invigorate, and take their readers on amazing journeys. Including a large children's section for readers of every age and level.
Ranked one of the Top 50 Indie Bookstores in 2017 by the Huffington Post, we have something for everyone! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/50-of-the-best-indie-bookstores-in-america_n_58fe472ae4b06b9cb9192bb3?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAB_y0_8DAs8Whg2EMC-_DHwdj1UNTDCIzyImQqM65tr7WRBBlabEN3OYGd0E8YKyNnxJkIKJL13lHlDTv8feaEB-Bu5KDT1etC-8DtZNu97xLFcLnwfl9TcSSLlQWlCPGPjq7gkkR4KGamDkAC924DdHhlZFMiTNQkl9Wrf1O1dw